Craft Tip: Creating Characters

A reader understands a character 
  • by what he or she says
  • does, 
  • and thinks

To bring your characters to life 
  • write lively dialogue,
  • let them do interesting stuff
  • let them have cool thoughts

Ten Methods Of Characterization   (No doubt there are more, but here's a start)
1) Tell about the character in narration
2) Describe his or her relationship to the world (how does the character think about the landscape/setting?)
3) Show the character in action, that is doing something interesting (versus sitting around and thinking)
4) Let the character speak to others (dialogue)
5) Reveal the character's thoughts (interior monologue)
6) Show what others say to the character (more dialogue)
7) Show what others say about the character
8) Show the reactions of other characters to things your character does or says
9) Show the character's reactions to others
10)Give the character a name and profession and family history