Thursday, March 18, 2010

Norm by Tanner Eastlick

Have you ever ridden in an elevator while facing the back wall? Try it some time and just see what people think or say. A lot of the time they will simply let the elevator go by and catch the next one. Why is this? Are we humans really so socially inept that we are afraid of things that are socially out of the norm?            
The next person that you talk to, try looking about a foot higher than their head while you talk. Notice their reaction. Do they look where you are looking? Or are they so socially correct that they just carry on with you, in your conversation?
Just think about the things that you do without thinking. When you are occupied in a public restroom and someone walks in, Why not just let it rip? It’s not like that person’s ever going to see you again. And if he dose take notice of your embarrassing bodily functions, just explain to him that when food digests, it creates gasses inside of your intestines.
Sure, some of you might be thinking that my logic might be somehow skewed, but if you really think about it, courtesy is only lying, and lying is a sin. 

I know that some things are socially intolerable, I just don’t see why. 

If a man walks down the street wearing a bikini, everyone is going to stare at him and crack jokes. But if you see a woman wearing the same bikini on a beach, then it’s just a way to catch some rays. Well, the man may have had the same intentions. It could have been hot, and he might not have had a beach to go to. So, why not catch some good old fashioned Vitamin D  on the way to the office?
I just can’t seem to figure out what is so wrong with being abnormal in public. Walking through Wal-Mart can be a hassle. Why not make it fun for everyone? Skip down the hallways singing to the music on your iPod. Make motor noises as you steer the shopping cart through the produce section. Ask people how their day has been, and if they like the color of your hat. Why not be random, love at random, and live randomly? After all, life is short and the best way to pass the time is through laughter.

Whether it is your own, or someone else’s.


  1. I love this!
    It gave me a good laugh

  2. I think that this is very interesting and I am going to try the elevator one just for the heck of it (morgan)

  3. That was hilarious! It's totally true too.

  4. Big T. I Love this. It's so original. Totally true also. I think the next time i'm in an elevator i am going to stand facing the wall :)


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